We are happy to invite you to our ‘Make Event’ focusing on ‘Smart prototyping’. The event is organised within the framework of Earlytech, a Euregional technology transfer project. With this event we aim to bring various players in the 'Make Value Chain' together in the crossborder Euregio-HYPEREGIO around the topic of 'Smart Prototyping'. Therefore we composed a varied program. First of all we invited four inspiring speakers.
Secondly you can get acquainted with a maker ecosystem of companies and organizations. Fifteen of them get the opportunity to present themselves with a micro-booth and a short pitch to facilitate the networking. And finally, since real examples tell more than words, two Labs can be visited. The Makerspace itself with its prototyping equipment/service and the Make Lab with Augmented Reality and Cobotics applications.
We hope to engage companies and researchers from the Euregio Meuse-Rhine working on topics related to Smart Prototyping, and to promote a dialogue across the borders.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Your HYPEREGIO Partners
12.00 h: Arrival & Registration
12.00 h: Guided tours Makerspace and Make Lab
13.00 h: Welcome and Introduction
13.30 h: Keynote: The Value of Smart Prototyping for innovation
Rudy Van Raemdonck - Verhaert
14.00 h: Company Pitches
14.10 h: Lecture: Practical Enterpreneurial Field
Experience with Smart Prototyping
Wouter Vandenneucker - Cr3do
14.30 h: Company Pitches
14.40 h: Break
Guided tours Makerspace and Make Lab
15.20 h: Lecture: 3D-printing of metal parts
Prof. Prof. Dr.-Ing Andreas Gebhardt – FH Aachen
15.40 h: Company Pitches
15.50 h: Lecture: Optimised materials and structures for combining properties via 3D printing
Gino Vanstrijdonck – Zuyd Hogeschool
16.20 h: Company Pitches
16.30 h: Guided tours Makerspace and Make Lab
16.30 h: Get-together (Drinks & networking)
18.00 h: End
Participation is free, registration is mandatory >>Contact:
Hogeschool PXL, Hasselt
Eric Gielen