All the technology domains of the TTC project are represented in this B2B event: energy, life sciences, advanced materials and ICT. To make your product smart, you can introduce ICT in the product, in the product chain, in the technology, ..,
On Tuesday, October 22th, 2013, DSP Valley expects you on the yearly B2B Forum. This time the venue for this outstanding matchmaking event will be the Sportoase in the city center of Leuven, Belgium (directions: http://www.sportoase.be/philipsweb/).
An entire day filled with interesting 1-on-1 meetings with some of the leading executives of the embedded industry in the BeNeLux and Europe, with a pre-screening guaranteeing a high level of relevance for your business development. This very efficient format allows you to have 8 to 10 high-quality meetings in just 1 day.
This time the technology focus for this matchmaking forum will be on all the different technology domains that are represented in the TTC project: Energy, Life Sciences, Advanced Materials and ICT. This includes all applications domains where smart tecnology is used, covering also image processing, sound processing, communication and navigation technologies, covering the (micro-electronics) hardware as well as the (embedded) software, and digital as well as analog and mixed-signal sensor-technologies.
Questions ? Remarks?
If you have questions, remarks or you need additional information, don't hesitate to contact vera.geboers.at.dspvalley.com or peter.simkens.at.dspvalley.com.