HYPEREGIO - I2M: B2B Matchmaking Smart Industry

Quality control and inspection

The project partners of the HYPEREGIO Innovation2Marketproject kindly invite you for the Smart

Industry Partner matching.

Industry 4.0 is a major challenge for industrial players in our region. It means the integration of a number of technologies into the manufacturing process in order to make it more tuneable, measurable, flexible, controllable… . A lot of manufacturers know about the trend, but have no idea how to prepare for it or what to do to be “industry 4.0” compliant. They will certainly need partners to team-up with to face the present challenges.

This matchmaking will tackle the subject(s) of quality control and inspection. The goal is to inform and to

bring together people from different stages in the value chain, to exchange experiences and challenges

on the topic of quality control and measurements. During the event we will try to match the demand with the offering, the problem with a solution and this

in a cross-border way of cooperation.

We look forward to your visit!

Your HYPEREGIO Partners


Please reply by March 14th, 2018with this link REGISTRATION

Location:Corda Campus Hasselt (B)

The event will be held in English. The number of participants is limited.

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