Deutschlandjahr 2018 - International Conference on Automotive lndustry in the Euregio: Strengthen your network

Universiteit Hasselt School of Expert Education wants to invite companies that are active within the Euregio in the automotive sector. During this evening session, a number of companies, researchers and organizations will briefly explain the highlights of their activities. And above all, we want to give companies the opportunity to meet each other in a targeted manner. On the part of the Aachen region, this event is supported by car e. V., VUV Aachen and FKA Aachen. *******************************Program17:30 Registration and sandwich lunch18:30 Welcome
Prof. Dr Luc De Schepper | Rector UHasselt 18:45 Keynotes & Presentations 
Prof. Dr An Hardy | UHasselt
•Materials research for electrochemical energy storage
•Involving synthesis, advanced characterization, modelling, cell architectures and new battery concepts
•Technologies currently researched include Lion batteries, Sodium ion batteries, Lithium sulphur batteries. Special focus on solid state batteries.
•Infrastructure including battery pilot line Mr Wouter Leten - Technology & Innovation Manager | Melexis
•Application: IC’s for the Electric Powertrain Mr Karel Vergote – Manager Rechearch Technology & Advanced Development | Punch Powertrain
•The first “silent” switched reluctance electric motor (SRM) Mr Dr Ing. Adrian Zlocki | FKA Aachen
•Automated driving - safety gain or risk? Mr Luc Renson, Project Manager - Interreg Project Coordinator, ULiege Interface-Entreprises, BE
•BuSyBee: driving further cross-border Innovation Prof. Dr Markus Fredebeul-Krein | FH Aachen
•OpenBordersMBA as a leverage for experienced managers in the Euregio
20:25 Closing
Mr Ralf Bruns | VUV Aachen
Mrs Elke Buelens | VKW Limburg
20:30 Reception22:00 End