Energy from your neighbours? How to deal with energy savings? New technologies and activities are spread out widely among consumers and SME‘s. No need to miss news on that front. BUT having a more helicopter view on our built environment areas it seems that savings can origin from a complete different approach.
Using shortage or surplus of heat energy can be well distributed amongst networks between companies and consumers using interesting interface-technology. Marketing tools, existing success stories and competing prices can change a complete area into a conscious planet-saving district of tomorrow.
Through our „Business meets Science“ event, we want to support SMEs in finding the right euregional R&D partner for their innovation.
Come to our workshop and network event at PXLTech in Hasselt. Get inspired by the speakers, use the networking possibility and make a guided tour viewing a cold-heat network site functioning following the newest concepts, technologies and control strategies.
08:30 h Bus from Heerlen, Zuyd Hogeschool
09:45 h Arrival at Hasselt Hogeschool PXL-Tech
10:00 h Lectures Zuyd, Mijnwater BV, VITO
12:00 h Possibility to visit Energylabo PXL-Tech
13:00 h Lunch
14:00 h Bus departure to Heerlen
15:00 h Guided tour by Mijnwater BV
17:00 h Transport to Hasselt
Agoralaan, building H
3520 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Mijnwater BV
Valkenburgerweg 177
6419 AT Heerlen, The Netherlands
Please reply by 31 January 2018 with this link REGISTRATION
We look forward to your visit!
Your HYPEREGIO Partners